Workflows - Customizing and Authoring

Aplica-se a: System Center Service Manager 2010

Using Microsoft® System Center Service Manager 2010, you can automate many administrative processes that previously required manual tasks. The feature behind this automation is the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) workflow. A WF workflow is comprised of workflow activities, which are also referred to as WF activities to differentiate them from other Service Manager activity types. Each workflow activity performs a function, such as joining a user or a computer to a group in Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS), creating a Service Manager incident, or running a script. You can assemble WF activities into a workflow that performs a set of tasks, and specify the conditions under which the workflow runs.

Nesta seção

  • Automating IT Processes with Workflows
    Describes how to automate IT processes using workflows, and it describes the Windows Workflow Foundation (WF) activities that the Authoring Tool provides.

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