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Ratings Icons in ACM

Utgivet: februari 2012

Gäller för: Windows 7, Windows 8, Windows Vista

Compatibility ratings can originate from Microsoft, the application vendor, your organization, and from the Application Compatibility Toolkit (ACT) community.

For information about specifying your own ratings, see Selecting Your Compatibility Rating. For information about community ratings, see ACT Community Ratings and Process.


The following table shows icons that appear on the report screens and dialog boxes for Company Assessment and Vendor Assessment.

Icon Description
ACT: Grön ikon

Application, device, or website functions as expected on a 32-bit operating system.

ACT: Grön ikon för 64-bitars

Application, device, or website functions as expected on a 64-bit operating system.

ACT: Ikon för mindre problem

Application, device, or website with issues that are minor or have known solutions on a 32-bit operating system. Severity 3 issues are considered minor issues.

ACT: Ikon för mindre problem med 64-bitars

Application, device, or website with issues that are minor or have known solutions on a 64-bit operating system.

ACT: Ikon som visar att något inte fungerar

Application, device, or website with major issues, such as data loss or severely impaired functionality, on 32-bit operating systems. Severity 1 and Severity 2 issues are considered major issues.

ACT: Ikon som visar att 64-bitars inte fungerar

Application, device, or website with major issues, such as data loss or severely impaired functionality, on 64-bit operating systems.

ACT: Ikon för information

Application, device, or website that does not have any application assessment data for 32-bit operating systems. The item does not match any information in the database, or no assessments have been submitted.

ACT: Ikon för info om 64-bitars

Application, device, or website that does not have any application assessment data for 64-bit operating systems.

User Ratings and ACT Community Ratings

Ratings are displayed graphically in the User Ratings column and the Community Assessment column. The rating color and bar count depend on how the users or community rated the item. There are three possible ratings:

  • Works. Applications with this rating receive five green bars.

  • Works with minor issues or has solutions. Applications with this rating receive three light-green bars.

  • Does not work. Applications with this rating receive a single red bar.

The color gradient from one to five bars shows the average rating.


Se även


Selecting Your Compatibility Rating

Andra resurser

Analyzing Your Compatibility Data