Use the URL .INS file to use an auto-configured proxy server


Update: The retired, out-of-support Internet Explorer 11 desktop application has been permanently disabled through a Microsoft Edge update on certain versions of Windows 10. For more information, see Internet Explorer 11 desktop app retirement FAQ.

Info about whether to use an auto-configured proxy server. If yes, this also includes the URLs to the pages that appear when your employees first connect to that server.

Name Value Description
  • 0. Don’t automatically configure the browser.
  • 1. Automatically configure the browser.
Determines whether to automatically configure the customized browser on your employee’s device.
AutoConfigJSURL <proxy_url> The URL for the proxy auto-config file (.js or .jvs)
AutoConfigTime integer Automatically configures the browser on your employee’s device after its run for a specified length of time.
AutoConfigURL <pac_file_url> The URL for the proxy auto-config (.pac) file.
FirstHomePage <first_run_url> The page (URL) that appears the first time the custom browser is opened on the employee’s device.
Help_Page <support_site_url> The URL to your internal technical support site.
Home_Page <default_home_page> The URL to your default Home page.
  • 0. Display the Welcome page.
  • 1. Don’t display the Welcome page.
Determines whether to show the Welcome page the first time the browser’s used on an employee’s device.
Quick_Link_1 <quick_link_1_url> The URL to your first Quick Link.
Quick_Link_1_Name <quick_link_1_name> The name of the site associated with Quick_Link_1.
Quick_Link_2 <quick_link_2_url> The URL to your second Quick Link.
Quick_Link_2_Name <quick_link_2_name> The name of the site associated with Quick_Link_2.
Quick_Link_X <quick_link_X_url> The URL to another Quick Link.
Quick_Link_X_Icon <path_and_file_name> A Quick Links icon (.ico) file.
Quick_Link_X_Name <quick_link_X_name> The name of the site associated with another Quick Link.
  • 0. Don’t make the Quick Links available offline.
  • 1. Make the Quick Links available offline.
Determines whether to make the Quick Links available for offline browsing.
Search_Page <default_search_url> The URL to the default search page.
  • 0. Don’t use a local .ins file.
  • 1. Use a local .ins file.
Determines whether to use a local Internet Settings (.ins) file