IIS 6.0 F1: Web Site Properties - ISAPI Filters Tab

Applies To: Windows Server 2008 R2

Use this tab to set options for ISAPI filters. An ISAPI filter is a program that responds to events during the processing of an HTTP request. The table lists each filter's status (which can be enabled or disabled), file name, and priority for loading into memory. You can change the execution order of filters only with the same priority.


If you have added or changed a filter at the global level, you must restart Internet Information Services (IIS) to load the new filter. If you have added or changed a filter at the Web site level, the filter is not loaded until a request is made to the Web site.


Click to add an existing ISAPI filter by browsing for the executable file and providing a friendly name.


Click to remove the currently selected ISAPI filter from this load list.


Click to modify the properties of the currently selected ISAPI filter.


Click to prevent the currently selected ISAPI filter from loading, but keep it in the filter list.

Move up

Click to move the currently selected filter higher in the execution order.

Move down

Click to move the currently selected filter lower in the execution order.

To learn more about ISAPI filers, see the IIS 6.0 online documentation on the Microsoft Windows Server TechCenter.