Adsiedit UI
Applies To: Windows Server 2003, Windows Server 2003 R2, Windows Server 2003 with SP1, Windows Server 2003 with SP2
ADSI Edit runs within Microsoft Management Console.
To view the following commands, select the ADSI Edit node, click the Action menu, and then right-click one of the following:
Connect To
The Connection Settings dialog box appears. The Connection Settings dialog box allows the user to create a connection point to an object in Active Directory. The following fields are located on the Connection Settings dialog box:
Name box. Enter a display name for the connection point.
Path box. Displays the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the selected object. It cannot be edited. If the path is incorrect, click Cancel and select the correct object.
Select either Distinguished Name or Naming Context. In Distinguished Name, enter the distinguished name of the object that will be the connection point in Active Directory. In Naming Context, select the directory partition that will be the connection point in Active Directory.
Specifies whether you connect to the local computer or a remote computer. Select either Default (domain or server that you are logged in to) or Select or type a domain or server. You can enter the name in DNS or NetBIOS format or you can enter an IP address.
Click the Advanced button to specify alternate credentials or alternate port numbers, or to change the protocol used to connect to Active Directory. The Advanced dialog box contains the following fields:
Specify Credentials field. Use this field to specify alternate credentials. Unless otherwise specified, the currently logged on user's credentials are used.
Port field. Enter a port number if you do not want to use the default port for the LDAP or the LDAP Global Catalog (GC) protocol. The default LDAP port is 389. The default port for GC is 3268.
Select either LDAP or Global Catalog. The URL in the Path box might change based on your selection. LDAP is used by default. To view the Path box, from the Advanced tab, click OK or Cancel.
To update the object from Active Directory, right-click an object and then select Refresh. Refresh removes the current objects in the container and repopulates the container with updated information from Active Directory.
To view the following commands, select the Directory Partition node, click the Action menu, and then click one of the following:
Connect to
Update Schema Now
The Connection Settings dialog box appears. The Connection Settings dialog box allows the user to create a connection point to an object in Active Directory. The following fields are located on the Connection Settings dialog box:
Name box. Enter a display name for the connection point.
Path box. Displays the Uniform Resource Locator (URL) for the selected object. It cannot be edited. If the path is incorrect, click Cancel and select the correct object.
Select either Distinguished Name or Naming Context. In Distinguished Name, enter the distinguished name of the object that will be the connection point in Active Directory. In Naming Context, select the directory partition that will be the connection point in Active Directory.
Specifies whether you connect to the local computer or a remote computer. Select either Default (domain or server that you are logged in to) or Select or type a domain or server. You can enter the name in DNS or NetBIOS format or you can enter an IP address.
Click the Advanced button to specify alternate credentials or alternate port numbers, or to change the protocol used to connect to Active Directory. The Advanced dialog box contains the following fields:
Specify Credentials field. Use this field to specify alternate credentials. Unless otherwise specified, the currently logged on user's credentials are used.
Port field. Enter a port number if you do not want to use the default port for the LDAP or the LDAP Global Catalog (GC) protocol. The default LDAP port is 389. The default port for GC is 3268.
Select either LDAP or Global Catalog. The URL in the Path box might change based on your selection. LDAP is used by default. To view the Path box, from the Advanced tab, click OK or Cancel.
Removes the connection point that links you to Active Directory. This command affects only what is present in the console. To remove objects from Active Directory, use the Delete command.
Reloads the schema information from Active Directory into the local computer's cache.
Select query to create a new query.
To update the object from Active Directory, right-click an object and then select Refresh. Refresh removes the current objects in the container and repopulates the container with updated information from Active Directory.
To view the following commands, select the Object node, click the Action menu, and then click one of the following:
New Connection from Here
New Object
Moves the object to another container in Active Directory. Opens a dialog box you can use to select the destination container.
Creates a new connection point node and adds it to the console.
Creates a new child object in the selected container. Opens a set of chained dialog boxes that begins with the class of the object. If you do not have permission to create an object in the selected container, no classes will be listed. After a class is selected, a dialog box opens for each required attribute. In the final dialog box, click More to view and edit any optional attributes.
Deletes the selected object from Active Directory. A dialog box appears asking you to confirm the deletion. This command does not appear in the menu if you do not have permissions to delete an object from Active Directory.
Changes the name of the object in Active Directory.
To update the object from Active Directory, right-click an object and then select Refresh. Refresh removes the current objects in the container and repopulates the container with updated information from Active Directory.
ADSI Edit (adsiedit.msc) Overview
Adsiedit Remarks
Alphabetical List of Tools
Search Overview
Replmon Overview
Repadmin Overview
Ldp Overview
Dsastat Overview
Clonepr Overview
Acldiag Overview