
应用于: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

本部分的主题描述了本版本的 Microsoft Dynamics AX 中已删除的国家/地区特定功能,或是计划从后续版本中删除的功能。


已弃用:(BEL) 欧盟销售清单转移

Deprecated: (BRA) CNPJ or CPF validation by using categories

Deprecated: (BRA) Complementary fiscal documents from free text invoices and purchase orders

Deprecated: (BRA) Special parameter to enable Brazilian features

Deprecated: (BRA) Special parameter to enable NF-e (Federal)

Deprecated: (BRA) Fiscal document type used for received fiscal documents

Deprecated: (BRA) FiscalDocJour_BR and related tables

Deprecated: (BRA) Fuel code

Deprecated: (BRA) Generate the ICMS 1/48 fixed asset credit fiscal document from purchase orders

Deprecated: (BRA) Holiday calendar

Deprecated: (BRA) In-transit warehouse at operation type

Deprecated: (BRA) Ledger post and Create remittance at operation type

Deprecated: (BRA) Purchase and sales fiscal document manual entry

Deprecated: (BRA) Sales and receipt texts

Deprecated: (BRA) Sales and purchase operation types

Deprecated: (BRA) Taxes, taxation codes, and fiscal values on order lines

Deprecated: (BRA) Type of establishment

Deprecated: (CHN) Accounting period name

Deprecated: (CHN) Bank reconciliation

Deprecated: (CHN) Country-specific localization format for Contact name

Deprecated: (CHN) GB/T19581 export accounting data standard

Deprecated: (DEU) Import account statements in the MT940 format

Deprecated: (EEUR) Eastern European EU sales list reports

Deprecated: (EEUR) Eastern Europe Intrastat reports

Deprecated: (HUN) Import bank account statements in MT940

Deprecated: (IND) Deprecation of TDS certificates (Form 16A)

Deprecated: (IND) Duty Entitlement Pass Book (DEPB)

Deprecated: (IND) Miscellaneous charge load on inventory percentage

Deprecated: (IND) Per invoice option in miscellaneous charges allocation

Deprecated: (IND) Percent exempt replaces load on inventory

Deprecated: (IND) Removal of 'Exceed threshold limit' from Direct Tax parameters

Deprecated: (IND) Tax adjustment for Direct Tax (TDS/TCS)

Deprecated: (JPN) Bill of exchange

Deprecated: (JPN) Payment calendar

Deprecated: (JPN) T-account

Deprecated: (LVA) Fixed asset tax report

Deprecated: (LVA) Latvian tax exempt numbers

Deprecated: (LVA) State invoice numbering

Deprecated: (LVA) Verification of voucher numbers

Deprecated: (NLD) Import account statements in the MT940 format

Deprecated: (POL) Dates of holidays

Deprecated: (POL) Polish bank transfer printout

Deprecated: (POL) Polish coloration of chart of account lines

Deprecated: (POL) Polish safe valuation rule

Deprecated: (RUS) Balance turnover statements

Deprecated: (RUS) Contracts

Deprecated: (RUS) Cumulative discounts feature for Retail

Deprecated: (RUS) Exchange rates import

Deprecated: (RUS) Financial report validation report

Deprecated: (RUS) Inventory balance turnover report

Deprecated: (RUS) Production journal lines, by-product report

Deprecated: (RUS) VAT reports

Deprecated: (THA) Manage realized and unrealized VAT

Deprecated: (THA) Sales tax payment features