

Installing Protection Agents Manually

应用到: System Center Data Protection Manager 2010

You can install protection agents manually and, in some circumstances, you must install the protection agent manually, for example, when the computer that you want to protect is behind a firewall, in a workgroup, or in a domain that does not have a two-way trust relationship with the domain that the DPM server is located in.

You can manually install an agent on targeted computers first, and then attach the computers in DPM Administrator Console, or you can attach the targeted computers in DPM Administrator Console first, and then install protection agents on the targeted computers.


If you attach a computer before you install an agent, the agent status for the computer on the Agents tab of the Management task area of DPM Administrator Console displays an error until you have installed the agent and then refreshed the computer in DPM Administrator Console.

Use the following procedure to manually install a protection agent.

To install the protection agent manually

  1. On the computer that you want to protect, open an elevated Command Prompt window, and then run the following commands:

    net use Z: \\<DPMServerName>\c$
    where Z is the local drive letter that you want to assign and <DPMServerName> is the name of the DPM server that you want to use to protect the computer.

  2. To change the directory, at the command prompt on the targeted computer, run one of the following commands:

    • For a 64-bit computer, type the following command:

      cd /d <assigned drive letter>:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\ProtectionAgents\RA\3.0.<build number>.0\amd64
      where <assigned drive letter> is the drive letter that you assigned in the previous step and <build number> is the build number of the version of DPM 2010.

      For example: cd /d X:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\ProtectionAgents\RA\3.0.7696.0\amd64


      Ensure that the build number of DPM 2010 is the latest version.

    • For a 32-bit computer, type the following command:

      cd /d <assigned drive letter>:\Program Files\Microsoft DPM\DPM\ProtectionAgents\RA\3.0.<build number>.0\i386
      where <assigned drive letter> is the drive that you mapped in the previous step and <build number> is the build number of the latest version of DPM 2010.

  3. To install the protection agent on the targeted computer, open an elevated Command Prompt window, and then run one of the following commands:


    If you specify a DPM server name in the command line, DPM installs the protection agent, and automatically configures the security accounts, permissions, and firewall exceptions necessary for the agent to communicate with the specified DPM server. If you do not specify a DPM server name, you must complete an additional step.

    • For a 64-bit computer, run the following command:

      DpmAgentInstaller_x64.exe <DPMServerName>
      where <DPMServerName> is the fully qualified domain name (FQDN) of the DPM server.

      For example: DPMAgentInstaller_x64.exe DPMserver1.contoso.com

    • For a 32-bit computer, run the following command:

      DpmAgentInstaller_x86.exe <DPMServerName>
      where <DPMServerName> is the fully qualified domain name of the DPM server.


    To perform a silent installation, you can use the /q option after the DpmAgentInstaller_x64.exe command.

    For example: DpmAgentInstaller_x64.exe /q <DPMServerName>

  4. If you specified a DPM server name in the command line in the previous step, this step is not required.

    If you did not specify a DPM server name in the command line in the previous step, open an elevated Command Prompt window on the targeted computer, and then run the following commands:

    1. To change the directory on the targeted computer, run the following command:

      cd /d <system drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Data Protection Manager\DPM\bin

    2. To configure the security accounts, permissions, and firewall exceptions necessary for the agent to communicate with a DPM server, run the following command:

      SetDpmServer.exe –dpmServerName <DPMServerName>

  5. If you added the targeted computer to the DPM server before you installed the agent, the DPM server begins to create backups for the protected computer. If you installed the agent before you added the computer to the DPM server, you must attach the computer before the DPM server begins to create backups. For step-by-step instructions about how to add the computer to the DPM server by attaching the protection agent, see Attaching Protection Agents.