MSExchange ADAccess 2120


上一次修改主题: 2011-03-19

本文对特定 Exchange 事件进行了说明并提供了可能的解决方案。如果您在此处未找到所需内容,请尝试在 Exchange 2010 帮助中进行搜索。


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Process %1 (PID=%2). Error ERROR_TIMEOUT (0x%3) occurred when DNS was queried for the service location (SRV) resource record used to locate a domain controller for domain %4%n The query was for the SRV record for %5%n. The DNS servers used by this computer for name resolution are not responding. This computer is configured to use DNS servers with the following IP addresses:%n%6%n. Verify that this computer is connected to the network, that these are the correct DNS server IP addresses, and that at least one of the DNS servers is running.%n For information about correcting this problem, %7%8


This Warning event indicates that DNS servers for the specified domain are not responding. The domain controllers from the specified domain will not be used by DSAccess. As long as there is sufficient capacity in usable domain controllers in other domains, it will not cause mail flow interruption. However, we recommend that you investigate the issue and fix it.

If the event contains the name of the local domain, topology discovery cannot be completed, and this will cause mail flow interruption.

This event may be logged when the following conditions occur:

  • The DNS servers did not respond because there is a connectivity problem.

  • There is no connectivity problem and the DNS servers are running. However, this computer could be using DHCP to obtain IP addresses for its DNS servers and the DHCP server could be providing incorrect IP addresses.

User Action

If this event is rarely seen, it can safely be ignored. To resolve this event, do one or more of the following:

  • If this Warning event is logged at specific times or if any other pattern is detected, do the following:

    • Verify that the IP addresses of the DNS servers that are used by this computer are correct.

    • Determine whether DNS servers are running. For more information about how to troubleshoot DNS issues, see DNS Troubleshooting.

    • Determine whether this computer uses DHCP to obtain its DNS server IP addresses by typing ipconfig /all at the command prompt. Then, if the DHCP Enabled setting is set to Yes, this computer uses DHCP to obtain DNS server addresses. Contact the network administrator to verify that the DHCP server is running and providing correct DNS server IP addresses.

  • 使用 PingPathPing 命令行工具测试基本连接。使用 Ping 可隔离网络硬件问题和不兼容配置。使用 PathPing 可检测多重跳跃行程中的数据包丢失。有关详细信息,请参阅 Microsoft 知识库文章 325487:Windows 工作站的高级网络适配器疑难解答

  • 运行 Dcdiag 命令行工具可测试域控制器的运行状况。为此,请在 Exchange 服务器上的命令提示符处运行 dcdiag /s:[域控制器名称]。查看 Dcdiag 的输出,找出其报告的任何失败或警告的根本原因。有关详细信息,请参阅位于 Windows Server TechCenter 的 Dcdiag 概述

For More Information

如果您尚未执行此操作,请考虑运行 Exchange 工具,已创建这些工具以帮助您分析 Exchange 环境并对其进行疑难解答。这些工具可帮助确保您的配置与 Microsoft 最佳实践保持一致。它们还可以帮助您识别和解决性能问题,并改进邮件流。若要运行这些工具,请转到 Exchange 管理控制台的“工具箱”节点。若要了解有关这些工具的详细信息,请参阅管理工具箱中的工具