MSExchangeTransport 2000


上一次修改主题: 2011-03-19

本文对特定 Exchange 事件进行了说明并提供了可能的解决方案。如果您在此处未找到所需内容,请尝试在 Exchange 2010 帮助中进行搜索。


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID


Event Source




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Send connector %1: A DNS failure occurred with the following diagnostic information %2.


This Warning event indicates a Domain Name System (DNS) failure occurred on the specified Send connector.

When the Send connector is set to use DNS mail exchange (MX) records to route mail automatically, the DNS client on the source server must be able to resolve public DNS records. By default, the DNS server that is configured on the source server's internal network adapter is used for name resolution. You can configure a specific DNS server to use for internal and external DNS lookups by using the Exchange Management Console to modify the DNS settings on the Exchange server properties. You can also use the Exchange Management Shell to configure the parameters in the Set-TransportServer cmdlet.

If you configure a specific DNS server on the transport server to use for external DNS lookups, you must select Use the external DNS lookup settings on the transport server on the Network Settings page of the New SMTP Send Connector wizard or, in the Shell, on the Set-TransportServer cmdlet, set the UseExternalDNSServersEnabled parameter to $True. The DnsRoutingEnabled parameter on the Send connector must also be set to $True.

For more information, see the following topics:

User Action

To resolve this warning, do one ore more of the following:

  • Verify that DNS is configured correctly on the Exchange server and that the configured DNS servers are functional and reachable. You can use the Nslookup tool to test DNS server functionality.

  • Review the Application log for related events. For example, events that occur immediately before and after this event may provide more information about the root cause of this error.

For More Information

如果您尚未执行此操作,请考虑运行 Exchange 工具,已创建这些工具以帮助您分析 Exchange 环境并对其进行疑难解答。这些工具可帮助确保您的配置与 Microsoft 最佳实践保持一致。它们还可以帮助您识别和解决性能问题,并改进邮件流。若要运行这些工具,请转到 Exchange 管理控制台的“工具箱”节点。若要了解有关这些工具的详细信息,请参阅管理工具箱中的工具