MSExchange ActiveSync 1034


上一次修改主题: 2011-03-19

本文对特定 Exchange 事件进行了说明并提供了可能的解决方案。如果您在此处未找到所需内容,请尝试在 Exchange 2010 帮助中进行搜索。


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

The proxy request to %1 has timed out.


This Warning event is logged if the Client Access server that issued a proxy request to another Client Access server times out while it waits for a response from the other Client Access server. Proxy requests occur when users use a Client Access server that is not in the same site as their mailbox. In this situation, the request is proxied to a Client Access server that is in the same site as the mailbox. This event may occur if one of the following conditions is true:

  • The Client Access server that receives the proxy request is under a heavy load.

  • The Client Access server that receives the proxy request is not operating correctly.

User Action

To resolve this warning, consider the following:

  • If this event is infrequently logged, no user action is required.

  • If this event is frequently logged, do one or more of the following:

    • Consider whether you can decrease the load on the mailbox server specified in the event description.

    • Review the Application log of the Client Access server that receives the proxy request for other events that could indicate the root cause of performance problems on that server.

    • Check network connectivity between the Client Access servers. Use the Ping or PathPing command-line tools to test basic connectivity. Use Ping to isolate network hardware problems and incompatible configurations. Use PathPing to detect packet loss over multiple-hop trips. For more information, see Microsoft Knowledge Base article 325487, Advanced network adapter troubleshooting for Windows workstations.

For More Information

如果您尚未执行此操作,请考虑运行 Exchange 工具,已创建这些工具以帮助您分析 Exchange 环境并对其进行疑难解答。这些工具可帮助确保您的配置与 Microsoft 最佳实践保持一致。它们还可以帮助您识别和解决性能问题,并改进邮件流。若要运行这些工具,请转到 Exchange 管理控制台的“工具箱”节点。若要了解有关这些工具的详细信息,请参阅管理工具箱中的工具