MSExchangeIS 9688


上一次修改主题: 2011-03-19

本文对特定 Exchange 事件进行了说明并提供了可能的解决方案。如果您在此处未找到所需内容,请尝试在 Exchange 2010 帮助中进行搜索。


Product Name


Product Version


Event ID




Symbolic Name


Message Text

Exchange store '%1': The logical size of this database (the logical size equals the physical size of the .edb file minus the logical free space) is %2 GB. This database size is approaching the size limit of %3 GB. %n%nIf the logical database size exceeds the maximum size limit, it will be dismounted on a regular basis.


This Error event indicates that the Microsoft Exchange Information Store database is approaching the maximum size limit. This error may be logged in either of the following scenarios:

  • On a computer for which the following is true:

    • Exchange Standard Edition is installed.

    • The Information Store database size is approaching the hard-coded limit.

    • The registry value for the maximum database size was not increased.

  • On a computer for which the following is true:

    • Exchange Enterprise Edition is installed.

    • In the registry, the maximum database size is restricted to the value that is specified in the error.

User Action

To resolve this error, locate the subkey for the Information store in the registry. The subkey should resemble the following:

HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Services\MSExchangeIS\<SERVER NAME>\Private-013e2e46-2cd7-4a8e-bfec-0e4652b94b00

Note   The GUID in this key (Private-013e2e46-2cd7-4a8e-bfec-0e4652b94b00) is an example only. The actual GUID should match the value of the objectGUID attribute on the Active Directory directory service object of the database.

Caution   不正确地编辑注册表时,可能导致出现严重问题,从而需要重新安装操作系统。因不正确地编辑注册表而导致出现的问题是能够解决的问题。编辑注册表之前,请备份所有重要数据。

  • If it exists, change the Database Size Limit in GB value to the desired size in gigabytes.

  • If this value does not exist, add the DWORD value Database Size Limit in GB. Set the value to the desired size in gigabytes.

    Note   The code for Exchange sets a hard-coded database size limit of 50 gigabytes for Exchange Standard Edition. This value can be changed by using the procedure that is described in this topic. The Information Store database size for both the Standard and the Enterprise Edition is limited only by available disk space.