(MEX) About electronic invoices

应用于: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

An electronic invoice is a legally accepted digital tax receipt that applies international standards to ensure the safety, confidentiality, authenticity, and acceptability of invoices in Mexico. You can post a sales order, free text invoice, credit note, return order, project invoice, or project sales order as an electronic invoice.

To use electronic invoices, you must meet the following requirements:

  • Your company must be authorized by the Servicio de Administración Tributaria (SAT) to generate and issue electronic invoices by using the Comprobantes fiscales digitales (CFD) method.

  • Your company must obtain a Registro Federal del Contribuyentes (RFC) number, a Clave Única de Registro de Población (CURP) number, and a state inscription number from the SAT.

  • Your company must obtain the folio numbers from the Sistema de comprobantes fiscales digitales CFD Plus (SICOFI) application. A folio number is an invoice number that consists of the series, number sequences, and authorization numbers.

  • Your .pdf and .xml files must meet SAT requirements. These files are sent as email attachments to a customer. The .xml file must be generated based on the XML schema definition (XSD) provided by the SAT. You must archive the .xml file of each electronic invoice.

  • You must generate a monthly report of all the electronic and paper invoices that are generated for the month in the layout specified by the SAT. You can use the SICOFI application to submit this report to the SAT in .txt format.

An electronic invoice includes the following details:

  • The name, address, and tax registration numbers of the company and customer

  • The invoice number, date, and name of the city where the invoice was generated

  • The serial number of the digital certificate, the authorization number, and the year the certificate was authorized

  • The item description, quantity, unit price, amount, Impuesto sobre la renta (ISR) withheld amount, VAT amount, and total amount of the invoice transaction

  • The name, number, and date of the customs document generated for imported items

  • The registration number of the property if the invoice transaction includes leasing services

  • The digital stamp of the company


(MEX) Define tax registration numbers for a customer account

(MEX) Define tax registration numbers for a company and a vendor account