(THA, SAU, GBR, IRL) Create an item withholding tax group and attach a withholding tax code

应用于: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Use the 物料预缴税金组 form to create an item withholding tax group. You can attach one or more withholding tax codes to an item withholding tax group and attach multiple withholding tax rates to accommodate partial payment transactions. You can also attach a withholding tax group to an item group or item.

  1. 单击 总帐 >设置 >预缴税金 >物料预缴税金组

  2. Press CTRL+N to create a new item withholding tax group.

  3. In the 物料预缴税金组 field, enter an identification code for the item withholding tax group.

  4. In the 描述 field, enter a description for the group.

  5. In the 预缴税金收入类型 field, select the revenue type for the item withholding tax group.

  6. Click the 设置 tab, and then in the 预缴税金代码 field, select the withholding tax code for the item withholding tax group.


    You can attach more than one withholding tax code to an item withholding tax group.

  7. Close the form.

  8. 单击 产品信息管理 >常用 >已发布产品

  9. Click 编辑 to open the 已发布产品详细信息 form.

  10. Click the 采购 FastTab, and then in the 销售税(物料)组 field, select the item withholding tax group for the item.

  11. Close the form.


(可)物料的预缴税金组 (窗体)