(GBR) Create and submit an Intrastat report in the CSV02 file format

应用于: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Feature Pack, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

You can now create and submit your Intrastat reports in the new CSV02 file format, which is an updated version of the CSV format. The Intrastat declaration is used to report the movement of goods between European Union (EU) member states. British companies can use the 内部统计 form to generate an Intrastat declaration in CSV format for submittal to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC) authority. In CSV02, all string characters are in uppercase. The values of all amounts are rounded up to the nearest whole number. For more information, see 关于内部统计.

Before you generate an Intrastat report, you must first transfer transactions from product receipts, packing slips and invoices to the 内部统计 form. You can report input transactions for arrivals and output transactions for dispatches in the Intrastat report.

  1. 单击 组织管理 >定期 >外贸 >内部统计

  2. Click 转移 UK to open the Dialog form.

  3. Select one or all of the following check boxes to transfer the transactions to the 内部统计 form:

    • 普通发票 – Transfer the free text invoice transactions.

    • 客户发票 – Transfer the customer invoice transactions.

    • 客户装箱单 – Transfer the customer packing slip transactions.

    • 供应商发票 – Transfer the vendor invoice transactions.

    • 供应商产品收据 – Transfer the vendor product receipt transactions.

    • 项目发票 – Transfer the project invoice transactions.

  4. Click OK to transfer transactions from the selected transaction types.

  5. Click 输出 > 软盘 UK to open the 以英国版式创建内部统计磁盘 form.

  6. Under the 输入交易记录 field group, in the 文件名 field, specify the file name and path of the report file for input transactions.

  7. Under the 输出交易记录 field group, in the 文件名 field, specify the file name and path of the report file for output transactions.

  8. In the and fields, select the month and year for the Intrastat declaration.

  9. Click OK to generate the Intrastat declaration for input and output transactions to the specified paths in the CSV02 format.

  10. Close the form to save your changes.



(GBR) Make diskette for Intrastat in British layout (class form)