(IND) Verify tax amounts for an incentive scheme by using a bill of entry journal

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Use the Tax transactions form to view the total amount of sales tax, incentive scheme tax, and balance tax for a purchase order. You can also use this form to view any amounts that have been adjusted for the incentive scheme tax and balance tax.

  1. Click Accounts payable > Common > Purchase orders > All purchase orders. Select a purchase order, and then, on the Action Pane, on the Customs tab, in the Journals group, click Bill of entry.

  2. In the Bill of entry journal form, on the Lines FastTab, click Tax.


    This button is available only if you select the Customs check box in the Apply India taxes field group in the Sales tax area in the General ledger parameters form.

  3. On the Overview FastTab, view the quantity of items that were purchased, the sales tax amount, and the sign direction (debit or credit) that is posted for the selected purchase order.

  4. On the General FastTab, view the following details for the selected purchase order:

    • In the Current currency field group, view the value on which the sales tax is calculated, stated in the company currency.

    • In the Amount field group, view the calculated amount of sales tax.

    • In the Adjustment field group, view the adjusted amount of the sales tax, stated in the company currency.

    • In the Customs currency field group, in the Tax amount field, view the total amount of tax for the selected purchase order. The value is displayed in the currency of the vendor for the transaction.

    • In the Adjustment in customs currency field group, in the Actual tax amount field, view the corrected tax amounts for the incentive scheme tax and balance tax. The values are displayed in the customs currency.

See also

(IND) Tax transactions (form)