(RUS) Set up calculation sequences and counters

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Use the Standard expenses sequence and Counter setup forms to create calculation sequences that are used to create deferrals for vendor invoices. For more information, see (RUS) Standard expenses sequence (form)

Before you can set up the calculation sequence and counters, you must set up expense codes in the Expense and income codes form.

In the Counter setup form, you must select an expense code. When you generate deferrals by using the periodic process, the expense code that is specified for a counter is used to generate deferrals for vendor invoices that have the same expense code.

  1. Click General ledger > Setup > Deferrals > Sequence of calculation.

  2. Create a new calculation sequence. For more information, see (RUS) Set up calculation sequences, counters, and deferred expense write-off factors.

  3. In the Sequence and Description fields, enter a unique number and a description for the sequence.

  4. In the Channel field, select Deferral.

  5. In the Channel reference field, select the deferrals group.

  6. Click Counters.

  7. Create a new counter.

See also

(RUS) Set up a deferrals model