Position payroll tasks 6.2 CU7 and prior

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

This topic outlines the tasks that must be completed to process payroll for a position. Before you begin to complete the tasks in this topic, make sure that someone in your organization has completed the following prerequisites:

In addition to the list earlier in this topic, you must also gather the information that is required to complete the following steps so that you can add the information to positions.

The following illustration shows the steps required to set up positions for Payroll. The numbers correspond to the procedures later in this topic.

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This task is part of a bigger process

The following illustration shows the relationship between this topic and the overall process of setting up Payroll for the first time. Additional tasks required to complete this step in the process are in Worker and position payroll tasks.

For an overview of the process see Setting up Payroll: Basic topics.

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Add payroll details to positions

You must specify payroll details and add them to a position before you can generate payroll for the position.

  1. Click Payroll > Common > Positions > Positions.

  2. Double-click a position to open the Position form.

  3. On the Action Pane, click Edit.

  4. Click the Payroll FastTab to open it and enter the following information:

    • Pay cycle – Select the pay cycle that specifies the payroll calculation frequency and pay date for the position.

    • Work cycle – For non-exempt positions only, select the work cycle that specifies the work periods for the position. Certain earnings, such as the overtime premiums required by the Fair Labor Standards Act (FLSA), are based on work periods and not pay periods.

      For exempt positions, leave this field blank.


      This control is available only if cumulative update 8 for AX 2012 R2 or AX 2012 R3 is installed.

    • Paid by – Select the legal entity that is responsible for making the payroll payments for this position.

      The legal entity that is responsible for paying for the position must be assigned to the position before worker tax codes can be assigned to workers.


      Default tax codes for each position are assigned in the Worker form. For more information, see 工人 (窗体).

    • Annual regular hours – Enter the number of regularly paid hours that the position is expected to have each year. This is used to determine salary adjustments. For example, you might enter 2080 for a regular salaried worker, which equals 40 hours each week. If a worker has eight hours of sick time, the difference of 32 hours can be automatically calculated.

    • Workers' compensation – Click Add and select a compensation state and a compensation code. Repeat these steps for any additional workers’ compensation benefits.

    • Earnings – The fields in this group interact in various ways to determine how earnings are generated and shown on earnings statements.

      • If neither Generate salary nor Generate earnings from schedule is selected, base earnings statement lines for the position are not generated. Only the recurring earnings specified as payroll earning codes in the Worker form are generated.

      • If Generate earnings from schedule is selected and Generate salary is not selected:

        • A schedule is required. You can select from among the calendars that have been created for the legal entity that is selected in the Paid by field.

        • A default earning code is required.

        • A day-by-day breakout of earnings for the position is shown in the worker’s earnings statement.

        This set of selections is usually used for hourly workers.

      • If Generate salary is selected and Generate earnings from schedule is not selected:

        • A default earning code is required.

        • The worker is paid the standard position salary amount for each pay period, and a single line is included in the earnings statement. The line will have the date of the last day in the pay period.


          If earnings statement lines were entered manually before the earnings were generated, the salary could be split across more than one line. The total of the manually entered lines and the single generated line is always the standard salary amount.

        This set of selections is usually used for salaried workers.

      • If both Generate salary and Generate earnings from schedule are selected:

        • A schedule is required. You can select from among the calendars that have been created for the legal entity that is selected in the Paid by field.

        • A default earning code is required.

        • The worker is paid the standard position salary amount for each pay period.

        • A day-by-day breakout of earnings for the position is shown in the worker’s earnings statement.

        This set of selections is used for salaried workers when you want a day-by-day breakout of their time. For example, if the worker’s time is associated with a project two days out of five.

  5. Click the Labor union FastTab to open it and select the union agreement.

Repeat these steps to set up payroll details for additional positions.

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Pay cycles and pay periods (form) 6.2 CU7 and prior

Pay cycle and pay period tasks

Work cycle and work period tasks

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