(RUS) Create lines in the Financial reports generator

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Use the Document templates form to create lines in the financial reports generator (FRG) based on the template settings.

  1. Click General ledger > Setup > Financial reports generator > Document templates.

  2. Select a template, and then click Functions > Create financial report lines.

  3. In the Update type field, select how the lines are created, from the following options:

    • Track new transactions – Lines are inserted in an existing FRG report or lines are added to an empty FRG report. If the same lines already exist, new lines are not inserted. The cell codes that are specified in the Cell field on the Field setup form for the FRG report are used to identify the lines that already exist.

    • Update – The cells from an existing FRG report are updated.

  4. Click OK.

See also

(RUS) Document templates (form)

(RUS) Create or update FRG lines (form)

(EEUR) Report (form)

(EEUR) Field setup (form)

(RUS) Set up templates for electronic reporting