(RUS) Journal voucher (form)

Applies To: Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3, Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R2

Click Cash and bank management > Journals > Slip journal. Click Lines.


Click General ledger > Journals > Deferrals journal. Click Lines.


Click Fixed assets (Russia) > Journals > FA journal. Click Lines.


Click Fixed assets (Russia) > Journals > FA budget journal. Click Lines.

Use this form to create a deferrals journal voucher, cash journal voucher, fixed assets journal voucher, and fixed assets budget journal voucher.

Tasks that use this form

(RUS) Post a cash voucher with cash reimbursements and cash disbursements

(RUS) Register reimbursement or disbursement slips

(RUS) Reject a cash order

(RUS) Generate a deferrals write-off voucher for one deferral

(RUS) Dispose of deferrals vouchers

(RUS) Calculate or reverse depreciation using the tax group non-linear depreciation method

(RUS) Create and post a budget journal for a fixed asset acquisition

The following tables provide descriptions for the controls in this form.





Enter journal lines.


Modify additional information about the selected journal line.

Cash order

Enter information about the cash order that is related to the selected journal.


This tab is available only through Cash and bank management.


View information about the employee who is responsible for the cash transaction on the selected journal line.


This tab is available only through Cash and bank management.


Enter or view payment information for the selected cash journal.


This tab is available only through Cash and bank management.

Payment fee

Enter or view payment fee information for the selected journal line.


This tab is available only through Cash and bank management.


View the history of the selected journal.





Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Depreciation – Open the Depreciation form, where you can create depreciation transactions for the selected journal line.

  • Putting into operation – Open the Putting into operation form, where you can create acquisition transactions for the selected journal line.


This button is available only through the FA budget journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).

Group operations

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Depreciation – Generate depreciation transactions for fixed assets.

  • Depreciation by group – Generate depreciation transactions for fixed assets that are depreciated by using the tax non-linear group method.

  • Putting into operation – Generate acquisition transactions for fixed assets.

  • Currency revaluation – Generate currency revaluation transactions for fixed assets.

  • Cost revaluation – Generate cost revaluation transactions for fixed assets.

  • Depreciation revaluation – Generate depreciation revaluation transactions for fixed assets.

  • Major repairs – Generate major repairs transactions for fixed assets.

  • Writing-off – Generate write-off transactions.

  • Disposal (sale) – Generate disposal sale transactions for fixed assets.

  • Disposal (dismantlement) – Generate disposal dismantlement transactions for fixed assets.

  • Partial dismantlement – Generate partial dismantlement transactions for fixed assets.

  • Lease – Generate lease transactions for fixed assets.

  • Return from lease – Generate transactions for fixed assets that are returned from a lease.

  • Transference to another company – Generate transactions for fixed assets that are issued to another company.

  • Receipt – Generate transactions for fixed assets that are received from another company, and for writing off deferrals.

  • Storno of depreciation – Generate depreciation reversal transactions for fixed assets.

  • Writing off – Generate write-off transactions for deferrals.

  • Writing off reversal – Generate write-off reversal transactions for all deferrals.

  • Disposal – Generate disposal transactions for all deferrals.


The Writing off reversal and Disposal options are available only in General ledger. This button is available through General ledger or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Post – Post the journal.

  • Post and transfer – Post the journal without errors, and transfer lines with errors to a new journal.

  • Transfer to fixed asset budget – Post the budget transactions.

  • Transfer to fixed asset and ledger budget – Post the budget transactions, and update them in the ledger budget.


The Transfer to fixed asset budget and Transfer to fixed asset and ledger budget options are available only through the FA budget journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).


Open a menu with Validate and Validate voucher only menu items, which you can use to validate that the journal lines are ready for posting.

Financial dimensions

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Account – Select the account financial dimensions for the selected journal line.

  • Offset account – Select the offset account financial dimensions for the selected journal line.

  • Payment fee account – Select the payment fee account financial dimensions for the selected journal line.


The Payment fee account option is available only in Cash and bank management.


Select the status of the selected journal line from the following options:

  • Report as ready

  • Approve

  • Reject


This button is available through General ledger or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).

Documents approval

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Confirm – Change the approval status from None to Confirmed.

  • Approve – Change the approval status from None or Confirmed to Approved.

  • Reject – Change the approval status to Rejected.

  • Reset status – Reset the cash document to its previous status. The approval status changes from Approved to Confirmed, and from Confirmed to None.


The Confirm, Reject, and Reset status options are active only when the Use confirm status attribute is selected in the Cash and bank management parameters form. This button is available only through Cash and bank management.

Sales tax

Open the Sales tax transactions form, where you can view the sales tax transaction for the selected journal line.


This button is not available through the FA budget journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).

Period journal

Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Retrieve journal – Import a periodic journal into the current journal.

  • Save journal – Save the journal as a periodic journal.


This button is available through Cash and bank management or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Deposit slip – Print a deposit slip.

  • Settlement – Mark transactions for settlement.

  • Breakdown of voucher – Open the Breakdown of voucher form, where you can split the posting and sales tax calculation of a voucher.

  • Transactions – Open the Cash transaction form, where you can view the cash transactions for the selected journal line.

  • Journal descriptions – Open the Journal descriptions form, where you can create transaction texts for the journal.

  • Load ledger transactions – Open the Load ledger transactions form, where you can load ledger transactions into the journal.

  • Select bridged transactions – Open the Select bridged transactions form, where you can view and manage the transactions that are posted in bridged accounts.

  • Exchange rate calculation – Open a form where you can calculate the exchange rate for each journal line.

  • Cancel cash due announcement – Cancel the cash due announcement.

  • Delete journal lines – Delete all lines in the journal.

  • Show invisible – Show all hidden lines in the journal.

  • Edit line – Edit the line details for the journal.


The Delete journal lines option is available only through General ledger or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia). The Edit line option is available only through General ledger.


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Voucher – Open the Voucher transactions form, where you can view the ledger voucher transactions for the selected transaction.

  • View marked transactions – View transactions marked for settlement.

  • Cash balance – Open the Cash balance form, where you can view the balance in the cash account.

  • Balance control – Open the Balance control form, where you can view the balance and other relevant information about the company bank account.

  • Transactions – Open the FA transactions form, where you can view the fixed assets transactions.

  • Payment control – Open the Payment control form, where you can view the list of payments.

  • Sales tax totals – Open the Sales tax totals form, where you can view the total sales tax for the journal.


This button is not available through the FA budget journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).


Open a menu that contains the following items:

  • Print journal – Print the transactions entered in the current journal.

  • Cash order – Open the Cash order form, where you can print a cash slip.


    This option is activated for documents with a status of Approved, Confirmed, or Rejected.

  • Balances – Open the Balances form, where you can view the opening and closing balance details of the cash account.

  • Cash report – Open the Cash report form, where you can print a cash report for the journal.

  • Cash due announcement – Create a cash due announcement.





The balance for the journal.

Per voucher

The balance for the selected journal line.

(In the Total debit field group)

The total debit amount for the journal.

Per voucher 
(In the Total debit field group)

The total debit amount for the selected journal line.

(In the Total credit field group)

The total credit amount for the journal.

Per voucher 
(In the Total credit field group)

The total credit amount for the selected journal line.

(In the Total amount field group)

The total reimbursement amount for the journal.

(In the Total amount field group)

The total disbursement amount for the journal.

Model number

Update the deferrals model number.


This field is available only through General ledger.

Budget model

Update the fixed asset budget model number.


This field is available only through the FA budget journal in Fixed assets (Russia).


Update the fixed asset value model number.


This field is available only through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).


Select the posting date.

Account type

Update the account type.


Select an account for the transaction.

Transaction type

Select the transaction type from the following options:

  • Writing off – Write off a deferral.

  • Disposal – Dispose of a deferral.

  • Receipt – Create a receipt transaction for a deferral.


This field is available only through General ledger or through the FA budget journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).


The description of the transaction.


Enter a debit amount for the transaction.


Enter a credit amount for the transaction.

Offset account type

Select an offset account type for the transaction.

Offset account

Select an account code for the transaction, based on the offset account type selected.

Cash due announcement

The cash due announcement number.


This field is available only through Cash and bank management.


Select a currency code for the transaction.


Enter a voucher number for the transaction.

Order number

Enter a code for the reimbursement or disbursement cash slip.


This field is available only through Cash and bank management.

Deferral ID

The deferral code.


This field is available only through General ledger.

Writing off period

Update the ending date of the write-off period.


This field is available only through General ledger.

Document type

The type of the transaction, which is displayed as one of the following:

  • Cash disbursement slip – For a credit transaction.

  • Cash reimbursement slip – For a debit transaction.

  • Correction – For a reversal transaction, if you enter a negative amount in the Debit or Credit field.


This field is available only through Cash and bank management.

Approval status

The approval status for the cash transaction, which is displayed as one of the following:

  • None

  • Confirmed

  • Approved

  • Rejected


This field is available only through Cash and bank management.

Account name

The name of the account specified for the voucher.

Offset account name

The name of the offset account specified for the voucher.

Journal batch number

The ledger journal number.

Line number

The line number for identification.

Company accounts

The abbreviation for the company accounts where the cash journal is posted.

GL account

Update the debit account for the deferrals journal.


This field is available only through General ledger or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).

Sales tax code

Select a sales tax code for the transaction.


A sales tax code must be specified if the ledger account in use is a sales tax account.

Sales tax group

Select a sales tax group for the transaction.

Item sales tax group

Select an item sales tax group for the transaction.

Sales tax amount

The calculated sales tax amount shown in the current currency of the transaction.


This field is available only through General ledger.

Corrected sales tax amount

The corrected sales tax amount shown in the current currency of the transaction.


This field is available only through General ledger.

Sales tax direction

Select this check box if the sales tax direction for the selected journal line is controlled by the setup of the Sales tax direction field in the Main accounts - chart of accounts: %1 form for the ledger account that is selected in the Account field on the journal line.

If customer payments are recorded on a voucher together with a fee from the bank, the sales tax direction on the sales tax posting of the fee is determined to be outgoing (Sales tax payable), because a customer account is part of the voucher posting. However, if the Sales tax direction field is selected on the line with the fee, the sales tax direction is instead taken from the main account. The sales tax direction changes to Sales tax receivable if the sales tax direction on the main account is set to Purchase.

Offset company accounts

Select the abbreviation code that defines the set of company accounts in which the journal transaction is offset.

Offset-transaction text

Select the new transaction text if information other than the text that is entered in the transaction text field on the Overview tab should be used for the offset company transaction.

Reason code

Select a reason code for the transaction.


This field is available only through Cash and bank management or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).

Reason comment

Enter a text description of the reason.


By default, the description set up for the reason code is displayed. This field is available only through Cash and bank management or through the FA journal form in Fixed assets (Russia).

Exchange rate

The currency exchange rate.

Secondary exchange rate

The secondary currency exchange rate.

Depreciation bonus

The depreciation bonus ID assigned in the Depreciation bonus form to calculate bonus depreciation.

Cross rate

The cross rate for the two exchange rates.

Calculation method

The calculation method for the transaction.


Enter the name or number of the document that is the basis of the transaction.


This and the following fields through Account are available only through Cash and bank management.

Document date

Enter the date of the document.

Representative type

Select the type of representative for the transaction, from the following options:

  • Worker

  • Vendor

  • Customer

  • Other


Select the representative code, based on the selected representative type.

Employee name

The name of the representative for the selected representative code.

Identity card

The employee identity card details. If the corresponding account for the transaction is an advance holder account, then the passport details of the employee are displayed. If the corresponding account for the transaction is a customer or vendor account, then the contact details of the representative are displayed.

This field is displayed only for the Worker representative type.

End uses 
(In the End uses field group)

Select a payment purpose code for the transaction.


Press CTRL+N to create a new line, and then enter the details.

Transaction text

Enter text describing the payment.


Enter the payment amount in the company currency.


The percentage value of the payment amount in relation to the total credit or debit amount in the transaction.


The remaining amount of the transaction in the company currency.


The position of the employee

Employee name

Select the name of the employee.


Select the job title of the employee.

Method of payment

Select the method of payment for the current transaction.

Payment specification

Select the payment specification for the current transaction.


Enter comments about the payment.

Prepayment journal voucher

Select this check box if the payment must be managed as a prepayment.

Automatically facture creation

Select this check box to create a facture on prepayment automatically.

Posting profile

Select a cash posting profile for the transaction.

Offset posting profile

Select an offset posting profile if the cash transaction journal is offset.

Settlement type

Select the type of settlement from the following options:

  • None – The transaction is not settled.

  • Open transactions – The transactions is automatically offset against open transactions according to the first in, first out (FIFO) principle.

  • Designated transactions – The transactions is settled with respect to a specific invoice.

Bank transaction type

Select the bank transaction type that is used for the payment.

Payment reference

Enter a reference number for the specific payment.

Fee ID

Select the identification code for the payment fee.

Fee amount

Enter the fee amount.

(In the Payment field group)

Select the currency for the payment fee.

Sales tax group

Select the sales tax group for the payment fee.

Item sales tax group

Select the item sales tax group for the payment fee.


Select the account module from the following options:

  • Customer

  • Vendor

Account type 
(In the Payment field group)

Select the type of account that the payment fee is applied to.


Select the account number of the account type that is selected in the Account type field.

Reported as ready by

The user who reported the journal as ready.

Approved by

The person who approved the journal line.

Rejected by

The person who rejected the journal line, if it was rejected.

Posted on

The posting date of the transaction.

Foreign company accounts

The other company account in which the transaction is posted, if the transaction is an intercompany accounting transaction.

Foreign voucher

The voucher number of the intercompany accounting transaction.

Transferred on

The transfer date of the transaction.

Transferred by

The name of the person who transferred the voucher.

Transferred to journal

The number of the journal that the transaction was transferred to.


A selected check box indicates that the record was transferred to the journal.

Errors detected

The error messages that relate to the transaction.

(In the Identification field group)

Update the posting date of the cash transaction.


This and the following fields are available only through Cash and bank management.


Select the cash account number for the selected account type, if necessary.

Item sales tax group

Select the item sales tax group for the sales price.

See also

(RUS) Cash accounts (form)

(RUS) Posting profiles (form)

(RUS) Cash and bank management parameters (modified form)

(RUS) Cash transaction (form)

(EEUR) Officials (form)

(RUS) Fixed assets (modified form)

(RUS) Calculate or reverse fixed asset depreciation

(RUS) Post an update for a major refurbishment of a fixed asset

(RUS) Receive a group of fixed assets from another company

(RUS) Calculate or reverse depreciation using the tax group non-linear depreciation method

(RUS) Create and post a write-off disassembly transaction for a fixed asset

Announcements: To see known issues and recent fixes, use Issue search in Microsoft Dynamics Lifecycle Services (LCS).