備份 Windows Azure Pack: Web Sites


適用于:Windows Azure Pack

備份 Windows Azure Pack: Web Sites 包含下列三項主要元件:Web Sites 控制器、SQL Server 與檔案伺服器。 以下是各章節的連結。

A. 網站控制器備份

B. SQL Server 備份

C. 檔案伺服器備份

A. 網站控制器備份

如果要備份 Web Sites 控制器,可以使用本節所示的 Backup.ps1 PowerShell 指令碼。 此指令碼會叫用 Windows 磁碟區陰影服務 (VSS) 寫入器來執行備份。

將 Backup.ps1 指令碼複製到 Web Sites 控制器,然後以系統管理權限執行下列命令:

net use /Y $backupLocation /user:$backupMachineAdmin $backupMachinePassword  
.\Backup.ps1 $backupLocation $encryptionKey  


您可以選擇是否要使用 $encryptionKey,但極力建議您加以使用以便提高安全警備。



以下是 Backup.ps1 指令碼。

##  Script to backup the controller using the Hosting VSS writer  
param (  
function ShowHelp  
    Write-Host '===================== BACKUP.PS1 HELP ====================='  
    Write-Host 'This is a script that uses the Hosting VSS writer and creates a backup of the keys and offline feed'  
    Write-Host 'Invoke it using .\Backup.ps1 and follow the prompts'  
    Write-Host 'It can also be invoked as follows:'  
    Write-Host '.\Backup.ps1 <Backup path> <passphrase to encrypt keys with>'  
Write-Host "Note: before running this script you may need to run:`r`n   'net use /Y <Backup path> /user:<username> <password>'"  
    Write-Host '==========================================================='  
function CopyFiles  
    # copy from the exposed location to where we're backing up to  
    $commands = @()  
    # $exposedDrive is the VSS shadow copy drive  
    $commands += "'D' | xcopy /Y /q /E '${exposedDrive}:\$feedLocationNQ' '$backupPath\$feedLocationNQ'"  
    $commands += "'F' | xcopy /Y /q '${systemDrive}encryptedkeys.txt' '$backupPath'"  
    # wrap each command in retry logic  
    foreach ($command in $commands)  
        $final += ('$c = 0' +"`r`n")  
        $final += ('do {'+"`r`n")  
        $final += (' $c++' + "`r`n Start-Sleep -s 2`r`n ")  
        $final += ($command + "`r`n")  
        $final += '} while (!($?) -and $c -lt 10)'+"`r`n"  
        $command = $command -replace "'", '"'  
        $final += ('if($?)'+"{'Successfully executed: $command'}`r`n")  
        $final += ("else{ 'There was a problem executing: $command'}`r`n")  
    $final | Set-Content "copyfiles.ps1"     
function EncryptKeys($keysFile, $passphrase, $salt, $init, $systemDrive)  
    $encryptscript = @"  
function EncryptString(`$keysFile, `$passphrase, `$salt, `$init)   
    `$ret = @()  
    `$stringsToEncrypt = (Get-Content `$keysFile)  
    foreach (`$stringToEncrypt in `$stringsToEncrypt)  
        `$r = new-Object System.Security.Cryptography.RijndaelManaged  
        `$pass = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(`$passphrase)  
        `$salt = [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(`$salt)  
        `$r.Key = (new-Object Security.Cryptography.PasswordDeriveBytes `$pass, `$salt, 'SHA1', 5).GetBytes(32) #256/8   
        `$r.IV = (new-Object Security.Cryptography.SHA1Managed).ComputeHash( [Text.Encoding]::UTF8.GetBytes(`$init) )[0..15]        
        `$c = `$r.CreateEncryptor()   
        `$ms = new-Object IO.MemoryStream   
        `$cs = new-Object Security.Cryptography.CryptoStream `$ms,`$c,'Write'  
        `$sw = new-Object IO.StreamWriter `$cs   
        [byte[]]`$result = `$ms.ToArray()   
        `$ret += [Convert]::ToBase64String(`$result)  
    return `$ret  
    $encryptscript += "EncryptString '$keysFile' '$passphrase' '$salt' '$init' > '${systemDrive}encryptedkeys.txt'"  
    # $encryptscript += \"`r`ndel ${systemDrive}keys.txt\"  
    $encryptscript | set-content "encryptkeys.ps1"  
if ($backupPath -and $backupPath.Contains('/?'))  
Write-Host 'Starting the backup process. Run with /? to see help.'  
Write-Host "Note: before running this script you may need to run:`r`n   'net use /Y <backupPath> /user:<username> <password>'"  
# argument parsing  
if (!$backupPath)  
    $backupPath = Read-Host "Please enter the fully qualified backup path (e.g. \\backupmachine\C$\backuplocation)"  
if (!$passphrase)  
    $passphrase = Read-Host "Please enter a passphrase to encrypt keys (leave blank for no encryption)"  -AsSecureString  
if (!$passphrase)  
$passphrase = ""  
$passphrase = [Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::PtrToStringAuto([Runtime.InteropServices.Marshal]::SecureStringToBSTR($passphrase))  
$usedDisks = ((Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_LogicalDisk).DeviceID|%{$_ -replace ':',''})  
foreach ($l in ([char[]]([char]'a'..[char]'z')))  
    if ($usedDisks -notcontains $l)  
        $exposedDrive = $l  
$logfile = "backup.log"  
$metadataLocation = 'metadata.cab'  
# expand environment variables  
$backupPath = ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($backupPath))  
$systemDrive = [System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables('%systemdrive%\')  
$feedLocation = "${systemDrive}HostingOfflineFeed"  
$feedLocation = ([System.Environment]::ExpandEnvironmentVariables($feedLocation))  
$feedLocationNQ = Split-Path $feedLocation -NoQualifier  
$feedLocationNQ = $feedLocationNQ.TrimStart('\')  
$letterLocation = Split-Path $feedLocation -Qualifier   
$letterLocation = $letterLocation -replace ':',''   
# create powershell scripts  
EncryptKeys "${systemDrive}keys.txt" $passphrase "salt12345" "init12345" $systemDrive  
# backup using diskshadow  
$diskshadowScript += "set context persistent`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "set metadata ${letterLocation}:\${metadataLocation}`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "begin backup`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "add volume ${feedLocation} alias ${feedLocationNQ}`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "writer verify {079462f1-1079-48dd-b3fb-ccb2f2934ecf}`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "create`r`n"  
# copy files  
$diskshadowScript += "expose %${feedLocationNQ}% ${exposedDrive}: `r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "exec ${env:windir}\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe .\encryptkeys.ps1`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "exec ${env:windir}\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe .\copyfiles.ps1`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "unexpose %${feedLocationNQ}%`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "end backup`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "delete shadows all`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript += "exit`r`n"  
$diskshadowScript | Set-Content "diskshadow1.txt"  
write-host "===================== BEGINNING BACKUP ===================="  
diskshadow /s "diskshadow1.txt" > $logfile  
write-host "===================== BACKUP COMPLETE ====================="  
write-host "======================= CLEANING UP ======================="  
del ${letterLocation}:\${metadataLocation} # metadata.cab  
del "diskshadow1.txt"  
write-host "===================== DONE CLEANING UP ===================="  
write-host "=============== SEE BACKUP.LOG FOR DETAILS ================"  
del "copyfiles.ps1"  
del "encryptkeys.ps1"  
del "${systemDrive}encryptedkeys.txt"  
del "${systemDrive}keys.txt"  

B. SQL Server 備份

備份 SQL Server 時,必須備份代管資料庫、資源計量資料庫及 master 資料庫。 由於每位使用者的 SQL 環境各有不同,因此不會有一個十全十美的指令碼可以符合每位使用者的需求。 下列指令碼範例僅供說明之用,實際上並不支援。 您建立的指令碼必須以系統管理權限執行。

SQL Server 備份指令碼範例


Microsoft 不支援此指令碼。

param ([string] $backupUser = "Administrator", $backupPassword, $sqlServer, $sqlUser = "sa", $sqlPassword, $backupLocation = "\\backupMachine\c$\Backup")  
sqlcmd -S $sqlServer -U $sqlUser -P $sqlPassword -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [Hosting] TO DISK='C:\HostingOfflineFeed\Hosting.bak'"  
sqlcmd -S $sqlServer -U $sqlUser -P $sqlPassword -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [ResourceMetering] TO DISK='C:\HostingOfflineFeed\ResourceMetering.bak'"  
sqlcmd -S $sqlServer -U $sqlUser -P $sqlPassword -Q "BACKUP DATABASE [master] TO DISK='C:\HostingOfflineFeed\master.bak'"  
net use $backupLocation /user:$backupUser $backupPassword  
xcopy /Y /q C:\HostingOfflineFeed\Hosting.bak $backupLocation\  
xcopy /Y /q C:\HostingOfflineFeed\ResourceMetering.bak $backupLocation\  
xcopy /Y /q C:\HostingOfflineFeed\master.bak $backupLocation\  
del C:\HostingOfflineFeed\Hosting.bak  
del C:\HostingOfflineFeed\ResourceMetering.bak  
del C:\HostingOfflineFeed\master.bak  

C. 檔案伺服器備份

備份檔案伺服器時,您必須備份 WebSites 共用、先前狀態資料夾的 ACL,以及 WebSites 共用的 FSRM Resource Manager (FSRM) 配額。


憑證共用不會用於Windows Azure Pack Web Sites V2 更新彙總套件 6 或更新版本。 如果您正在執行舊版的 Windows Azure Pack Web Sites V2,請務必備份憑證共用和 ACL。

由於每位使用者的檔案伺服器環境各有不同,因此不會有一個十全十美的指令碼可以符合每位使用者的需求。 下列指令碼範例僅供說明之用,實際上並不支援。 您建立的指令碼必須以系統管理權限執行。



Microsoft 不支援此指令碼。

param ([string] $backupUser = "Administrator", $backupPassword, $websiteFolder = "C:\websites", $backupLocation = "\\backupmachine\c$\backup" )
net use $backupLocation /user:$backupUser $backupPassword
xcopy /Y /q /E $websiteFolder $backupLocation\ 

FSRM 配額資料備份指令碼範例


Microsoft 不支援此指令碼。

param ([string] $backupUser = "Administrator", $backupPassword, $backupLocation = "\\machine\c$\backup")
net use \\$backupLocation /user:$backupUser $backupPassword
dirquota template export /File:C:\templates.xml
xcopy /Y /q C:\templates.xml $backupLocation\
net stop srmReports
net stop srmSvc
net stop quota
net stop Datascrn
robocopy "C:\System Volume Information\SRM" $backupLocation\SRM /E /ZB /R:3 /W:5
net start Datascrn
net start quota
net start srmSvc
net start srmReports 


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