How to Configure the Reset Password Link

Applies To: System Center Service Manager 2010 SP1

The following procedure describes how to configure the Reset Password link in the Self-Service Portal. This is the URL that takes users to, for example, the Forefront Identity Manager 2010 Password Reset Portal. Use the following procedure to configure the URL that the Reset Password link uses.

  1. On the computer that hosts the Self-Service Portal, use Notepad to edit the file \inetpub\wwwroot\System Center Service Manager Portal\EndUser\Home.aspx.

  2. In the file, search for the string that starts with <SM_WebParts:HomePageTasks ID="HomePageTasksWebPart".

    This string appears one time in this file.

  3. Append ResetPasswordUrl="http://<link to Password Portal>" (where PasswordPortal is the URL for your computer hosting your password reset application) to the end of this string. For example, the string that was originally:

    <SM_WebParts:HomePageTasks ID="HomePageTasksWebPart" runat="server" Title="     " />

    now shows the following code:

    <SM_WebParts:HomePageTasks ID="HomePageTasksWebPart" runat="server" Title="     " ResetPasswordUrl="http://<PasswordPortal/default.asp"/>
  4. Save the file and close Notepad.

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