
適用於: System Center Operations Manager 2007

Folders are displayed in the Monitoring pane in the Operations Manager 2007 Operations console. They provide a way to organize views just like folders are used to organize files in the file system. A folder will one or more parent folder and may include one or more subfolders. If it has multiple parent folders, the folder and its contents will appear in multiple places in the Monitoring pane. The root of the folder structure is Monitoring, and all folders will be either positioned directly under this folder or be able to trace their parent folders back up to the root.

A view must be included in at least one folder if it is to be displayed in the Operations console. You can use the folder structure to group common views and provide organization to the set of views for a particular application. We recommend as a best practice that each management pack have its own top level folder, and then you can create additional folders as required.

Folders and views follow the same restrictions as other management pack elements for sealed and unsealed management packs. A view or folder may be contained in another folder only if both are in the same management pack or the parent folder is in a sealed management pack.