How to Import the Microsoft Business Intelligence Appliance Management Pack

適用於: Operations Manager 2007

For instructions about importing a management pack, see How to Import a Management Pack in Operations Manager 2007 (

After the Microsoft Business Intelligence Appliance Management Pack is imported, do the following.

To finish your initial configuration

  1. Enable the Agent Proxy setting on all the agents that are installed on Microsoft Business Intelligence Appliance servers.


    Discoveries and monitoring do not function unless the proxy is enabled. For more information, see “Before You Import the Management Pack” earlier in this guide.

  2. Create a new management pack in which you store overrides and other customizations.


    This management pack discovers Microsoft Business Intelligence Appliance units only. When you import this management pack over the SQL Server Appliance Base management pack, then a specific Microsoft Business Intelligence Appliance discovery substitutes a generic discovery provided by the Base Management Pack. During the short time (two periods of discovery max—8 hours by default), you can see two objects that represent the same Microsoft Business Intelligence Appliance server.