Step 2 – Prepare PRIV domain controller


In this step you will create a new domain for a new privileged access management forest.

  1. On another new virtual machine with no software installed, install Windows Server 2012 R2 to make a computer “PRIVDC”.

    1. Select to perform a custom (not upgrade) install of Windows Server.

    2. When installing, specify Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard (Server with a GUI) x64; do not select Data Center or Server Core.

      PAM Getting Started Select WS 2012

    3. Review and accept the license terms.

    4. Since the disk will be empty, select Custom: Install Windows only and use the uninitialized disk space.

  2. After installing the operating system version, log in to this new computer as the new administrator. Use Control Panel to set the computer name to “PRIVDC”, give it a static IP address on the virtual network, and configure the DNS server to be that of the domain controller installed in the previous step. This will require a server restart.

  3. After the server has restarted, login as the administrator. Using Control Panel, configure the computer to check for updates, and install any updates needed. This may require a server restart.

  4. Add the Active Directory Domain Services (AD DS) and DNS Server roles, and promote the server to a domain controller of a new forest.

    1. While logged in as Administrator, launch PowerShell.

    2. Type the following commands.

      import-module ServerManager
      Install-WindowsFeature AD-Domain-Services,DNS –restart                            –IncludeAllSubFeature -IncludeManagementTools
      $ca= get-credential
      Install-ADDSForest –DomainMode 6 –ForestMode 6 –DomainName priv.contoso.local –DomainNetbiosName priv –Force –CreateDNSDelegation –DNSDelegationCredential $ca

      When the popup appears, provide the credentials for the CORP forest administrator (e.g., the username CONTOSO\Administrator and the corresponding password from step 1). Then this will prompt within the PowerShell window for a Safe Mode Administrator Password to use: enter a new password twice. Note that warning messages for DNS delegation and cryptography settings will appear; these are normal.

    3. After the forest creation is complete, the server will restart automatically.

  5. Create the user and service accounts, which will be needed during MIM Service and Portal setup, in Users container of the priv.contoso.local domain.

    1. After restarting, log on to PRIVDC as the domain administrator (PRIV\Administrator).

    2. Type the following command to update the DC from the group policy settings.

      import-module activedirectory
      $sp = ConvertTo-SecureString "Pass@word1" –asplaintext –force
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMMA –name MIMMA 
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMMA –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity MIMMA –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMMonitor –name MIMMonitor -DisplayName MIMMonitor
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMMonitor –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity MIMMonitor –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMComponent –name MIMComponent -DisplayName MIMComponent
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMComponent –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity MIMComponent –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMSync –name MIMSync 
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMSync –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity MIMSync –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName MIMService –name MIMService 
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity MIMService –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity MIMService –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName SharePoint –name SharePoint 
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity SharePoint –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity SharePoint –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName SqlServer –name SqlServer 
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity SqlServer –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity SqlServer –Enabled 1 –PasswordNeverExpires 1
      New-ADUser –SamAccountName BackupAdmin –name BackupAdmin 
      Set-ADAccountPassword –identity BackupAdmin –NewPassword $sp
      Set-ADUser –identity BackupAdmin –Enabled 1 -PasswordNeverExpires 1
      Add-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" SharePoint
      Add-ADGroupMember "Domain Admins" MIMService
  6. Configure auditing and logon rights.

    1. Ensure you are logged on as the domain administrator (such as PRIV\Administrator).

    2. Go to Start » Administrative Tools » Group Policy Management.

    3. Navigate to Forest: priv.contoso.local, Domains, priv.contoso.local, Domain Controllers, Default Domain Controllers Policy. Note that a warning message will appear.

    4. Right-click on Default Domain Controllers Policy and select Edit in the right-click menu.

    5. In the Group Policy Management Editor console tree, navigate to Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies, Audit Policy.

    6. In the details pane, right click on Audit account management and select Properties in the right-click menu. Click Define these policy settings, put a checkbox on Success, put a checkbox on Failure, click Apply and OK.

    7. In the details pane, right click on Audit directory service access and select Properties in the right-click menu. Click Define these policy settings, put a checkbox on Success, put a checkbox on Failure, click Apply and OK.

    8. Close the Group Policy Management Editor window.

    9. In the Group Policy Management window, select Default Domain Policy, right click and select Edit. The Group Policy Management Editor window will appear.

    10. Expand Computer Configuration, Policies, Windows Settings, Security Settings, Local Policies and select User Rights Assignment.

    11. On the details pane, right click on Deny log on as a batch job, and select Properties.

    12. Click the Define these Policies Settings checkbox, click Add User or Group, and in the User and group names, type priv\mimmonitor; priv\MIMService; priv\mimcomponent and click OK.

    13. Click OK to close the Deny log on as a batch job Properties window.

    14. On the details pane, right click on Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services, and select Properties.

    15. Click the Define these Policies Settings checkbox, click Add User or Group, and in the User and group names, type priv\mimmonitor; priv\MIMService; priv\mimcomponent and click OK.

    16. Click OK to close the Deny log on through Remote Desktop Services Properties window.

    17. Close the Group Policy Management Editor window and the Group Policy Management window.

  7. Launch a PowerShell window as administrator and type the following command to update the DC from the group policy settings.

    gpupdate /force /target:computer

    After a minute, it will complete with the message “Computer Policy update has completed successfully.”

  8. Configure registry settings needed for SID History migration. Launch PowerShell and type the following commands that will configure the source domain to permit remote procedure call (RPC) access to the security accounts manager (SAM) database.

    New-ItemProperty –Path HKLM:SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Lsa –Name TcpipClientSupport –PropertyType DWORD –Value 1 
  9. Using PowerShell on PRIVDC, configure DNS name forwarding. Specify contoso.local for the DNS domain, and the CORPDC computer’s virtual network IP address as an IP address of the master server. Launch PowerShell and type the following command, changing the IP address from "" to that of the CORPDC computer’s virtual network IP address.

    Add-DnsServerConditionalForwarderZone –name "contoso.local" –masterservers  
  10. Using PowerShell, add SPNs to enable Kerberos authentication to be used by SharePoint and PAM REST API and the MIM Service (SharePoint will be configured in Step 3 below).

    setspn -S http/pamsrv.priv.contoso.local PRIV\SharePoint
    setspn -S http/pamsrv PRIV\SharePoint
    setspn -S FIMService/pamsrv.priv.contoso.local PRIV\MIMService
  11. Configure delegation.

    1. Launch Active Directory Users and Computers.

    2. Right click on the domain priv.contoso.local and select Delegate Control.

    3. On the Selected users and groups tab, click Add.

    4. On the Select Users, Computers, or Groups popup, type mimcomponent; mimmonitor and click Check Names. After the names are underlined, click OK, then click Next.

    5. In the list of common tasks, select "Create, delete, and manage user accounts" and "Modify the membership of a group", then click Next and click Finish.

    6. Close Active Directory Users and Computers.

  12. Restart the PRIVDC server so that these changes take effect.