Identity and Access Automation with Windows PowerShell

Windows PowerShell® 是以工作為基礎的命令列介面和指令碼語言,專為系統管理所設計。資訊技術 (IT) 專業人員適用的這個參考主題提供有關運用 Windows PowerShell 指令程式撰寫指令碼及自動化工作的協助。

Privileged Access Management (PAM) Automation with Windows PowerShell

This topic lists the Windows PowerShell® modules included with Microsoft Identity Manager 2016 for Privileged Access Management. The Windows PowerShell modules in the list support automating the features of PAM and provide links to the cmdlet references for each module. These modules enable you to use Windows PowerShell to administer PAM, request activation of privileged roles, and approve requests.

The Help is available in the TechNet Library through the links below, or as Updatable Help files. Updatable Help was introduced with Windows PowerShell 3.0 and enables you to have the latest Help topics available locally on your computer. For more information, see about_Updatable_Help.


Microsoft Identity Manager 2016

如需任何 Cmdlet 的語法或相關詳細資訊,請使用 Get-Help <cmdlet name> Cmdlet,其中 <cmdlet name> 是您想要瞭解的 Cmdlet 名稱。如需詳細資訊,您可以執行下列任何一個指令程式:

Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Detailed
Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Examples
Get-Help <cmdlet name> -Full