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AppConfig Object [C++]

Use this object to retrieve site configuration settings from the site configuration store. Also, use this object to retrieve the names and codes of various countries/regions and states/provinces from the site configuration store.

ProgID:   Commerce.AppConfig (Externally creatable)
COM Class Name:   AppCfg
Type Library Name:   Microsoft Commerce 2002 App Helper Type Library
DLL Name:   AppHelper.dll
Threading Model:   Both


COM Interface Name:   IAppCfg
Interface ID Constant:   IID_IAppCfg
Header File:   mspu_guids.h


In C++, use the IAppCfg interface to access the methods of the AppConfig object.

Because this object is primarily intended for use within ASP script, access from C++ will not be common.



Method Description
DecodeStatusCode Decodes the specified status code.
GetCountryCodeFromCountryName Returns the country/region code for the specified country/region name.
GetCountryNameFromCountryCode Returns the country/region name for the specified country/region code.
GetCountryNamesList Returns an alphabetical list of country/region names.
GetOptionsDictionary Returns a Dictionary object that maps site configuration keys to site configuration values.
GetRegionCodeFromCountryCodeAndRegionName Returns the state/province code for the specified country/region code and state/province name.
GetRegionNameFromCountryCodeAndRegionCode Returns the state/province name for the specified country/region code and state/province code.
GetRegionNamesListFromCountryCode Returns an alphabetical list of state/province names for the specified country/region code.
Initialize Initializes the AppConfig object.
RefreshCache Refreshes the AppConfig object cache.

[Visual Basic]

Method Description
DecodeStatusCode Decodes the specified status code.
GetCountryCodeFromCountryName Returns the country/region code for the specified country/region name.
GetCountryNameFromCountryCode Returns the country/region name for the specified country/region code.
GetCountryNamesList Returns an alphabetical list of country/region names.
GetOptionsDictionary Returns a Dictionary object that maps site configuration keys to site configuration values.
GetRegionCodeFromCountryCodeAndRegionName Returns the state/province code for the specified country/region code and state/province name.
GetRegionNameFromCountryCodeAndRegionCode Returns the state/province name for the specified country/region code and state/province code.
GetRegionNamesListFromCountryCode Returns an alphabetical list of state/province names for the specified country/region code.
Initialize Initializes the AppConfig object.
RefreshCache Refreshes the AppConfig object cache.


This object is usually created once and initialized in the Global.asa file, for performance reasons. An instance of it is stored in the Application object and used on ASP pages as necessary.

The following example illustrates these steps:

Dim oAppConfig
Set oAppConfig = Server.CreateObject("Commerce.AppConfig")
Set Application("MSCSAppCfg") = oAppConfig

[C++] Country/region codes may or may not be the same as ISO country/region codes, depending on what values have been added in the Business Desk. For more information on Country/Region codes, see Table of Country/Region and State/Province Names and CodesTable of Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values

[Visual Basic] Country/region codes may or may not be the same as ISO country/region codes, depending on what values have been added in the Business Desk. For more information on Country/Region codes, see Table of Country/Region and State/Province Names and CodesTable of Language Culture Names, Codes, and ISO Values

See Also

[C++]Configuration Objects

[Visual Basic]Configuration Objects

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