MSSLogConfig Examples

MSSLogConfig Examples

This topic provides sample syntax for commonly used MSSLogConfig commands.

Create or delete a filter

This command creates a filter called MyFilter that includes events captured by the CallControlMessages and CallAnalysisMessages categories. By default the events from these categories go to the Trace sink.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /createfilter /filter:MyFilter CallControlMessages CallAnalysisMessages

This command deletes an existing filter named MyFilter.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /deletefilter /filter:MyFilter 

Activate, deactivate, or set a filter

The following command adds the CallAnalysis filter to the currently active filter (the one that has been most recently set). It does not replace the active filter.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /activate /filter:CallAnalysis

The following command removes the CallAnalysis filter from the active filter.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /deactivate /filter:CallAnalysis

The following command removes all active filters and makes CallAnalysis the only active filter.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /set /filter:CallStatistics

List active filters by component

The following command returns a list of the active filters per MSS component.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /activefilters 

List all valid filters

The following command lists all valid filter names, including any custom-defined filters.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /filters 

List available categories

The following command lists valid category values.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /categories 

List sink bindings for a filter

The following command lists, for each category within a filter called MyFilter, the specified event sink(s). This is mostly useful for custom-defined filters, as the sinks cannot be modified for the standard filters.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /categories /FILTER:MyFilter 

Revert to default settings

The following command reverts all filter settings to the default filters installed with the product. Note that this also removes any custom-defined filters.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /revert 

View ApplicationDevelopment events in a debugging console

The ApplicationDebug filter was defined specifically to route events gathered by the ApplicationDevelopment filter to a debugging console. Simply activate the filter to do so.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /activate /filter:ApplicationDebug

View specific events in a debugging console

The event sink for predefined filters cannot be modified. To route specific events to a debugging console, first create a filter. (Events sent to a debugging console are still sent to the Trace log.)

The following command creates a filter named DebugConsole, which when active directs events in the ScriptDiagnostics category to a real-time debugging console, as well as to the Trace sink.

cscript MSSLogConfig.vbs /createfilter /filter:DebugConsole 

See Also

Event Filters | Filtering Logged Events