Determining SMS DTS Job Status

The SCRM Administrator console is used to view the current state of SMS DTS jobs; however, a single job might remain in one state for many hours. This might occur when SCRM 2006 processes information for thousands of SMS clients.

The following table describes the states of DTS job completion as viewed in the SCRM Administrator console.


There is no visual indication in the SCRM Administrator console when Schedule.txt has been retrieved. You must manually verify that the SCRM SMS site server has picked up the request.




Status when the job is first created. Schedule.txt is created and placed in the SCRM_Staging outbound folder. The SCRM SMS Site Service (SCRMClientSvc.exe) checks the folder every five minutes to determine whether a file is there to retrieve. After the file is retrieved, processed, and the job has started at the scheduled time, the status becomes Extraction In Progress.

Has Not Run

Status when a job is scheduled and the job has not previously run. When you schedule and enable a job, Schedule.txt is created in the SCRM Staging Outbound folder. The SCRM SMS Site Service polls the Outbound folder every five minutes for Schedule.txt. When the file is retrieved, processed, and the job has started at the scheduled time, the job status becomes Extraction in Progress.

Extraction In Progress

Data is copied from the SMS site database into DAT files and placed in the extraction folder on the SMS server.

To view the current progress at this state of the DTS job, you can run the example SQL query Example SQL Query: Extraction Status Query for DTS Jobs.

Extraction Finished

Data extraction has completed.

Extraction Failed

Data extraction has failed.

File Transfer In Progress

DAT files are copied from the extraction folder on the SMS server to the Inbound folder of the SCRM share.

File Transfer Finished

The DAT file has been copied to the Inbound folder of the SCRM share.

Inbound Loading In Progress

Populates the SRC tables in the SystemCenterStaging database from the respective DAT files.

To view the current progress at this state of the DTS job, you can run the example SQL query Example SQL Query: Status Query for DTS Jobs.

Inbound Loading Finished

The SystemCenterStaging database has been successfully updated.

Inbound Loading Failed

The SystemCenterStaging database was not updated successfully.

Transformation In Progress

Moves data from the Inbound table (SRC prefix) to the Outbound table (STG prefix) in the SystemCenterStaging database.

To view the current progress at this state of the DTS job, you can run the example SQL query Example SQL Query: Status Query for DTS Jobs.

Transformation Finished

Data was successfully moved to the Outbound table in the SCRM Staging database.

Transformation Failed

Data was not moved successfully to the Outbound table in the SCRM Staging database.

Loading In Progress

Copies data from the Outbound staging tables and loads it into the SystemCenterPresentation database. This step takes the most time to complete because multiple joins occur during this process.

To view the current progress at this state of the DTS job, you can run the example SQL query Example SQL Query: Status Query for DTS Jobs.

Loading Finished

Data has been successfully loaded in the SystemCenterPresentation database.

Loading Failed

Data was not successfully loaded in the SystemCenterPresentation database.

ETL Cycle Success

Successfully passed status to the SCRM Administrator console with the Message.txt file indicating that the DTS job completed successfully. This file is located in the Inbound folder.

ETL Cycle Failed

Unsuccessfully passed status to the SCRM Administrator console.


Status when a job is scheduled and it has been run at least once. When you schedule and enable a job, Schedule.txt is created in the SCRM Staging Outbound folder. The SCRM SMS Site Service (SCRMClientSvc.exe) polls the Outbound folder every five minutes for Schedule.txt. When the file is retrieved, the job status becomes Extraction in Progress.