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MAXA Function (DAX)

Returns the largest value in a column. Logical values and blanks are counted.






The column in which you want to find the largest value.

Property Value/Return Value

A number (R8).


The MAXA function takes as argument a column, and looks for the largest value among the following types of values:

  • Numbers

  • Dates

  • Logical values, such as TRUE and FALSE. Rows that evaluate to TRUE count as 1; rows that evaluate to FALSE count as 0 (zero).

Empty cells are ignored. If the column contains no values that can be used, MAXA returns 0 (zero).

If you do not want to include logical values and blanks as part of the calculation, use the MAX function.


The following example returns the greatest value from a calculated column, named ResellerMargin, that computes the difference between list price and reseller price.


The following example returns the largest value from a column that contains dates and times. This formula therefore gets the most recent transaction date.


See Also

Other Resources

MAX Function (DAX)

MAXA Function (DAX)

MAXX Function (DAX)

Statistical Functions (DAX)