Creating the CCFAdmins User Group

You must create a CCF-specific Administrator group in the <DomainName> domain – the domain that contains the CCF framework itself, and all CCF administrators to this group. This group will have complete control over CCF and its resources such as the databases and the Authorization Manager (AzMan) store. Users belonging to this user group can use the Admin Console to administer CCF or directly access the resources via the SQL server client software and direct file access. Administration Web Services authenticate only the CCFAdmins group users.

To configure CCFAdmins group:

  1. Create a new User Group, CCFAdmins. To do this, follow the same steps used for Creating the CCFUsers User Group.
  2. Create a new user in the CCF domain with the user name as CCFAdmin and password as <CCFAdminPW>. To do this, follow the Step 1-4 of Creating the ASPUSER User Account.
  3. Add the CCF administrator account CCFAdmin to CCFAdmins User Group.


You can add one or more new/existing accounts to the CCFAdmins group to promote them as CCF application administrators.

See Also

Creating the ASPUSER User Account

Creating DemoAdmin and DemoAgent Accounts