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CaptionLabels Collection Object

Multiple objects

A collection of CaptionLabel objects that represent the available caption labels. The items in the CaptionLabels collection are listed in the Label box in the Caption dialog box (Insert menu).

Using the CaptionLabels Collection

Use the CaptionLabels property to return the CaptionLabels collection. By default, the CaptionLabels collection includes the three built-in caption labels: Figure, Table, and Equation.

Use the Add method to add a custom caption label. The following example adds a caption label named "Photo."

CaptionLabels.Add Name:="Photo"

Use CaptionLabels(index), where index is the caption label name or index number, to return a single CaptionLabel object. The following example sets the numbering style for the Figure caption label.

CaptionLabels("Figure").NumberStyle = _

The index number represents the position of the caption label in the CaptionLabels collection. The following example displays the first caption label.

MsgBox CaptionLabels(1).Name

Properties | Application Property | Count Property | Creator Property | Parent Property

Methods | Add Method | Item Method

Parent Objects | Application | Global

Child Objects

See Also | AutoCaptions Collection Object