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Phone bring-up

Here’s information to help you get started bringing up hardware on Windows Phone.

Learn about the Windows Phone platform

If you are unfamiliar with the Windows Phone platform, start with the Windows Phone 8.1 Chassis Requirements Specification. This specification provides the minimum hardware requirements for Windows Phone.

To get started learning more about the design of certain key areas of the Windows Phone platform, refer to the following topics. Additional guidance for some feature areas is available from the SoC vendor.

Get started with UEFI

Windows Phone uses a UEFI (Unified Extensible Firmware Interface) boot environment provided by the SoC vendor. Obtain the UEFI implementation from the SoC vendor and work with them to determine if there are any UEFI drivers or related components you need to modify for your hardware. You can also work with your SoC vendor to get started building UEFI applications that aid in manufacturing and servicing the phone.

To learn more about the UEFI environment for Windows Phone, see the following topics:

Get started building drivers and configuring hardware components

Determine what drivers you need to build for your phone, and get started building those drivers.

  • OEM drivers

  • Driver development for Windows Phone

  • Hardware Components

Add ACPI entries for your hardware and drivers

Obtain the ACPI Source Language (ASL) and ACPI Machine Language (AML) files from your SoC vendor, and add ACPI entries for peripheral devices and drivers you add to the phone.

Build packages for your drivers

Read about the process of creating packages and get started building packages for your drivers and other components you want to add to your phone image.

Build a phone image

Read about the process of building phone images, and get started building an image based on the packages from Microsoft and your SoC vendor as well as packages you create. You must also create a device platform package and it to your phone image.

Flash images to phones

Now that you've built a phone image, read about the process of flashing images and get ready to flash images to your hardware.



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