Operate and maintain Duet Enterprise for SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0


Última modificación del tema: 2013-12-18

Summary: IT pros use these articles to help operate and maintain servers, server farms, and solutions in Duet Enterprise for Microsoft SharePoint and SAP Server 2.0.

The articles in this section help you operate and maintain Duet Enterprise para Microsoft SharePoint y SAP Server 2.0 in SharePoint Server 2013.

TechNet articles about operations and maintenance for Duet Enterprise 2.0

The following articles about operations and maintenance for Duet Enterprise 2.0 are available to view online. Writers update articles on a continuing basis as new information becomes available and as users provide feedback.

Content Description

Bloques de creación

Prepare calendar data sources for the Aggregated Business Calendar Web Part in Duet Enterprise 2.0

Learn how to prepare Exchange and SAP calendar data sources for the Duet Enterprise Aggregated Business Calendar Web Part.

Additional resources about operations and maintenance in Duet Enterprise 2.0

The following resources about operations and maintenance for Duet Enterprise 2.0 are available from other subject matter experts.

Content Description

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Planear para Duet Enterprise para SharePoint y SAP Server 2.0